Sumobot Challenge

August 21st, 2025 - August 24th, 2025

At the heart of sumo bot competitions lies the fusion of mechanical design and programming prowess. Teams must meticulously construct their robots, optimizing their weight distribution, traction, and pushing power. They must also develop sophisticated control algorithms, enabling their robots to navigate the arena, anticipate their opponents' movements, and execute precise pushing maneuvers. The challenge objective is to force the opposing robot out of the arena by pushing or maneuvering them over the edge. Two bots compete in a head-to-head match following the basic system of traditional human sumo matches. Bots are allowed no weapons, and are not allowed to flip each other. The sole purpose is a pushing match between the two bots to force the other from the arena. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Jr. Category : RoboClubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 8 to 16 years.

How To Get on Sumobot Challenge

  • STEP 1: Register your RoboClub or Institute as TechnoXian RoboClub online at official TechnoXian website. If you do not have Club or Institute, you may form a new TX RoboClub.
  • STEP 2: Registered clubs need to qualify in the ZRC (Zonal Robotic Championship) round to participate in TechnoXian WRC (World Robotic Championship) 9.0.
  • STEP 3: Prepare a video of 1 minute to 5 minutes (maximum 100 MB), showcasing team readiness, creativity, preparing for challenges, or anything to show passion to participate in TechnoXian. Share the video either on email at (as google drive or We transfer) or WhatsApp at +91 9289095404 mentioning Your WRC ID (Competition Id). All videos will be uploaded on TechnoXian YouTube channel.
    (Note: Video is for promotion for our Participants who are coming to participate in Technoxian)

2.1.0. Field Dimensions

The dohyo interior is defined as the playing surface surrounded by and including the border line. Anywhere outside this area is called the dohyo exterior

  • The ring shall be circular in shape and of the appropriate diameter will be 180cm, height 5cm. and surface would made of coated steel plate.
  • Shikiri lines (starting lines) consist of two painted parallel brown (or equivalent for absorption of IR light) lines centred in the ring with appropriate width of 2cm, length 20cm and separation of 20cm. The separation distance between the lines is measured to their outside edges. White border width would be 5cm.
  • The border line is marked as a white circular ring on the outer edge of the playing surface. The ring area extends to the outside edge of this circular line.

3.0 Matches

3.1.0. Match Format

A match is fought between two teams, each team having one or more contestants. Only one team member may approach the ring; other team members must watch from the audience. In accordance with the game rules (hereafter referred to as "these rules",) each team competes on a Dohyo (sumo ring) with a robot that they have constructed themselves to the specifications mentioned. The match starts at the referee's command and continuous until a contestant earns two Yuhkoh points. The judge determines the winner of the match.

  • One match shall consist of 3 rounds, within a total time of 3 minutes (1 minute for each round), unless extended by the referee.
  • The team who wins two rounds or receives two "Yuhkoh" points first, within the time limit, shall win the match. A team receives a "Yuhkoh" point when they win a round. If the time limit is reached before one team can get two "Yuhkoh" points, and one of the teams has received one Yuhkoh point, the team with one Yuhkoh point shall win.
  • When the match is not won by either team within the time limit, an extended match may be fought, during which the team who receives the first Yuhkoh point shall win. Alternatively, the winner/loser of the match may be decided by judges, by means of lots, or by a rematch.
  • One Yuhkoh point shall be given to the winner when the referee' decision was called for or lots were employed.
  • Match starts upon the referee's instructions, the two teams bow to each other in the outer ring, approach the ring, and place a bot within their half of the ring on or behind the Shikiri line. (A bot or a part of a bot may not be placed beyond the front edge of the Shikiri line toward the opponent. Note that is not required that a bot be placed directly behind the Shikiri line; it may be offset to the side, as long as it is behind an imaginary line collinear with the Shikiri line.) When the judge announces the start of the round, the teams start their robots, and after a five second pause the robots may start operating. During these five seconds, players must clear out of the ring area.

3.2.0. Time of Match

  • One round will be fought for a total of 1 minute, starting and ending upon the referee's command. The clock shall start ticking five seconds after the start is announced
  • The time elapsed after the judge announces Yuhkoh and before the match resumes will not be included in time of match. The standard delay before the match resumes shall be 30 seconds.

3.3.0. Points (Yuhkoh)

Initially both bots will be placed at their respective positions on the two opposite white lines.

One Yuhkoh point shall be given when:

  • A team forces the body of the opposing bot to touch the space outside the ring, which includes the side of the ring its self. However, if the opponent bot while pushing also enters the white area, no point will be given to the other bot.

A Yuhkoh point is also given in the following cases:

  • The opposing bot has touched the space outside the ring on its own. Either of the above takes place at the same time that the end of the Match is announced.
  • When a wheeled robot has fallen over on the ring or in similar conditions, Yuhkoh will not be counted and the match continues.
  • When referee' decision is called for to decide the winner, the technical merits in movement and operation of a bot will be taken into considerations

The match shall be stopped and a rematch started under the following conditions:

  • The bots are entangled or orbiting each other with no perceivable progress for five seconds. If it is unclear whether progress is being made or not, the referee can extend the time limit for observable progress for up to 30 seconds.
  • Both bots move, without making progress, or stop (at the exact same time) and stay stopped for five seconds without touching each other. However, if one robot stops it's movement first, after five seconds it will be declared as not having the will to fight. In this case the opponent shall receive a Yuhkoh, even if the opponent also stops. If both robots are moving and it isn't clear if progress is being made or not, the judge can extend the time limit up to 30 seconds.
  • If both bots touch the outside of the ring at about the same time, and it cannot be determined which touched first, a rematch is called.

3.4.0. Match Postponement

If a Team will not be able to compete in a Match as originally scheduled, e.g., due to problems with their Bot, they may request that the Match be postponed to a later time. All such requests are subject to the approval of IFES Officials, taking into account factors such as production and Tournament schedules, fairness considerations, etc. After a Team has been granted a Match postponement, any subsequent requests for additional postponements must also be approved by the opposing Team in the affected Match, in addition to the approval process set forth above. Additionally, TechnoXian. reserves the right to postpone any Match for any reason in their sole and absolute discretion. Any such postponement will not count as a Team requested postponement.

The team must build and bring one pre-constructed, autonomous or manual, wireless robot whose purpose is to push, throw, flip, hit, drag or otherwise move the opponent out of the battle ring within the maximum battle time. The following section details the rules and specifications regarding the bot.

4.1.0. Bot Shape & Weight

A Sumo Bot must fit within a square box of 25cm X 25cm with unlimited height. Bot may expand in size after a match begins, but must not physically separate into pieces, and must remain a single centralized bot. Bots violating these restrictions shall lose the match. Screws, nuts, and other robot parts with a total mass of less than 5 grams falling off from a robot's body shall not cause the loss of match.

  • Maximum weight should not be more than 3Kgs (including battery for wirelessly controlled bots. However, a tolerance of 5% is acceptable.).
  • Batteries must be sealed, immobilized electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiCad, or dry cells).
  • Batteries must be 12 volts for this challenge.
  • The bot can be autonomous or manually controlled using a Remote-control system in accordance to IFES regulations, and regulated by tournament officials. 75Mhz controllers are specifically prohibited. All remote controls must be digitally-mated pairs. Remote control robots start on a signal from the tournament official.
  • Each robot must carry a top marker unique identity so that it can be distinguished by the referee easily. Unmarked Robots are not eligible to play.
  • The bot must not emit infrared light. However, optical sensors (e.g. infrared-distance-sensors) may be used if they do not affect other bots.
  • Infrared light-reflecting materials must not be used on the outside. If bots are painted, they must be painted matte. Minor parts that reflect infrared light could be used only if other robots are not affected. Bots must not produce magnetic interference for other robots on the field.
  • Bots must be constructed and programmed in a way that their movement is not limited to only one dimension and must move in all directions.
  • Any robotic parts/building material can be used until the bot meets the above specifications and if the design and construction are primarily the original work of the team as ready-made bots are not allowed to compete in the competition.

4.2.0. Activation and Deactivation

The Master Switch locations and their access should be one of the first things you think about when designing your bot. If your bot is not easy and safe to activate and deactivate, it will not be approved. Activation and deactivation must be done by one person and within the maximum amount of time permitted herein. Even if a bot’s activation and deactivation system meet the letter of the rules as defined below, TechnoXian will make the final decision whether to accept or reject the system

  • Activation: It cannot require more than 30 seconds to activate the bot, including the removal of safety covers and restraints and the operation of the Master Switches. When Master Switch is turned on, there must be no motion at all by the bot or its weapons.
  • Deactivation: When bot is deactivated, it must be incapable of moving or of operating any of its weapons. Deactivation cannot require more than 30 seconds. If the bot has just been seriously damaged in combat, the deactivation time requirement may be waived for that match, but the bot must be otherwise rendered safe before removing it from the arena.

During official match play, there are key positions must be filled.

5.1.0. Referee

Each match is controlled by the referee. He has full authority to enforce the rules of the match to which he has been appointed. Referees observe and supervise the Competitors before, during and after Matches and to give final scoring and making decision. The referee is encouraged to use the designated walking area next to the field. The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final.

The referee may only change a decision on realizing that it is incorrect or, at his discretion, on the advice of an assistant referee, provided that he has not restarted play.

The referee is not held liable for any kind of injury suffered by an official or spectator, any damage to property of any kind nor any other loss suffered by an individual, club, organization, institution or other body.

The bot handlers are the only team member that may talk to the referee.


  • The general duties of Referees are Starting Matches, Stopping Matches early, declaring a win by Knockouts, Declaring and administering Timeouts, watching for safety violation The referee ensures a safe match for all participants and bots. The referee ensures a fair match according to the rules of the match.
  • The referee ensures that there is no interference by unauthorized persons or team members.
  • If at any time before or during a Match, a Referee observes disruptive or other inappropriate behaviour by any Operator or Team support person in or around the Arena, the Referee has the authority to require that person to leave the Arena area immediately.

6.0.0 Match Procedures

6.1.0. Prior to Match Starts

Prior to the start of a Match, all Bots must be in position and not moving. Specifically:

  • For a One-on-One Match, each bot must be placed at starting line.
  • Each bot must be motionless on the floor.
  • Autonomous functions may have been remotely enabled.
  • If a Team is unable to start their Bot within 60 seconds, the Team can request a Postponement. The Postponement can be approved by referee.

6.2.0. Beginning of the Match

6.2.1. Countdown to Start: The Referees will determine when each Team is ready to start, at which time an Operator from each Team will show a green card to indicate their Team’s readiness to begin the Match. After both Teams have indicated their readiness, the Match will start when the referee gives signal.

6.2.2 Fault: If a Referee or Judge notices premature bot movement or any other violation of starting procedure, he or she may declare a Fault, and require a Restart. Operators must cease all Bots movement and follow the instructions of the Referees for a Restart. If a Team’s Robot Faults more than two times in a single Match, the Team may Forfeit the Match.

A Restart must begin with all Bots back in their starting positions. The Referees may choose to verbally restart the Match.

6.3.0. During the Match

6.3.1. Referee Decisions: Referee must observe Operators and their Robot to check and respond to one or more of the following:

  • One or both Robots Stuck
  • Incapacitation
  • Deliberate avoidance

6.3.2. Timeouts: Referee can call for a Timeout to stop the Match. All Operators must immediately stop the movement of their Bots. The subsequent actions of the Referees, Operators and Officials will depend upon the circumstances that resulted in the Timeout.

6.3.3. Forfeit Due to Rules Violation: If Referee believe that one Team’s Bot was violating a Tournament Rule, they will inform IFES officials, who may then declare the opposing Team the winner by Forfeit. The Forfeit can be declared either during or immediately following the Match.

6.3.4. Knock-Out Due to Engagement Avoidance: If a Referee believes that an Operator is deliberately avoiding the engagement of their Bot with the opponent Bot, the Referee will notify that Operator that their bot must make physical contact with, or otherwise engage, the opponent Bot. If the Operator does not attempt to comply, the Referee may declare that the Operator’s Team has lost due to a Knock-Out.

6.3.5. Single Incapacitation Knock-Out: During a Match, a Bot must at any time be able to demonstrate that it is Responsive. This is confirmed as follows:

  • At any time and for any reason, a Referee can request that a Team’s Operators show that their Bot or Multi-Bot is Responsive.
  • After the request, the Referee will start a count-down from 20 (of which the final 10 counts will be called out loud) for the Operators to demonstrate that the Bot can exhibit controlled translational movement.
  • If the Bot cannot demonstrate that it is Responsive before the end of the count-down, it will be declared Incapacitated.

6.3.6. Referee’ Determination of Match Winner: Certain criteria and methods are used by the Referee to decide a Match winner in the event a winner is not determined during the course of a Match (i.e., neither Robot is Incapacitated, Knocked Out, Disqualified, etc. during the duration of the Match).

6.3.7. Decisions are Final: Referee’ decisions in regards to the outcome of a Match are final and binding upon all Competitors. Referee’ decisions are not subject to challenge or appeal.

Registration Fee :

  • For Indian resident: For Zonal Robotics Championship  INR 1000/- (Inclusive GST) per challenge. (Qualified teams will have the opportunity to enter the TechnoXian World Cup 2025 free of cost.)
  • For Non India resident: USD 65 per team.

ZRC Prize Bifurcation : INR 10,000

WRC Prize Bifurcation: INR 60,000 (1st Prize) | INR 40,000 (2nd Prize) | INR 25,000 (3rd Prize)

Registration mode : Online.
Accommodation : For inquiries regarding Hospitality Partners you can contact on this Number

For Any Query :
Feel Free To Call : (+91) 9289095404
Email :

WRC Registration