Why are companies investing In Service Robots?

The service robotics industry is exploding, with more businesses than ever investing in the potential of cutting-edge robotics technology. But what is driving the recent surge in growth? What benefits do service robots provide businesses? Are they worthwhile investing in new technology? Service robotics is still a young industry, but the incredible benefits these robots provide could very well shape many other industries shortly.


Growth in the Service Robot Industry

As of 2015, only about 100,000 service robots were estimated to be in use worldwide, according to an in-depth study by Deloitte. That same study predicted significant growth over recent years, with exceptional factors like the COVID-19 pandemic stimulating the market further.

Within professional service robotics, logistics robots accounted for almost 50% of the market as of 2019. This indicates a particularly strong growth area in warehouse and manufacturing applications, where industrial and professional service robots are often used side by side. A great example of this is the combination of robots found in Amazon’s warehouses, with robots transporting things around the site while working alongside automated packing robots.


Service robots are gaining more traction than ever as labor issues arise worldwide. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 had a particular effect on the industry. Fewer employees could come into work at once if any at all, but demand didn’t slow down accordingly for many businesses. One needs to look no further than the persistent shortage of computer chips worldwide for a prime example of pandemic-stimulated demand increases. This further sparked growth in industrial and professional service robots, as many businesses sought a solution to labor shortages in the form of robotics.


The Rise Of Service Robotics

Service robots have grown in popularity in recent years as a result of their key benefits and unique ability to meet the challenges that businesses face. Service robots are becoming an important part of business operations at facilities all over the world, whether they are sanitizing hospitals, monitoring sports stadiums, or anything in between.


The service robotics industry will only grow as these robots are further developed and their capabilities improve. They do not, however, have to take the place of human workers. Indeed, as previously discussed, service robots are improving employee working conditions and even allowing people to perform entirely new jobs. Service robots are helping to make the world a better place by allowing businesses to provide excellent service without sacrificing quality.


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