A robot is a mechanical device that, under the supervision of its masters, performs all or part of a human’s work with maximum efficiency and low cost, even in hostile environments. Natural robots are the best examples of living organisms on the planet besides trees. Humans and animals both act as robots throughout their lives, controlled by a brain and governed by a variety of visible and invisible forces.

There are many examples of humans or animals performing activities under the orders of their masters, such as terrorists or sleeping cells, and many more such activities that we perform daily. Manmade robots differ from natural robots that do whatever they are programmed to do without complaint, with the desired accuracy, integrity, low cost, punctuality, and efficiency, in hostile environments, and untiringly. There are numerous examples of human or animal robots in Indian mythology dating back to classical times.

Robotics is a scientific term for the design, development, implementation, and deployment of robots, as well as the computer systems that operate them, provide sensory feedback, and analyze data. These technologies are centered on automated equipment that can replace humans in hazardous situations or manufacturing processes, as well as machines that look, act, and think like humans. Robots can take over monotonous, dirty, or dangerous tasks in any business. Although the notion of creating autonomous robots stretches back to ancient times, research into robot functioning and prospective applications did not progress much until the twentieth century. Since the start of the twentieth century, there has been a great deal of work put into researching the functionality and prospective applications of robots. Robots have long been thought to be capable of replicating human behavior and performing human-like tasks. As technology improves, robotics is a rapidly expanding area; studying, inventing, and manufacturing new robots fulfill a variety of practical requirements, whether domestically, economically, or militarily. Many robots do hazardous tasks including bomb disposal, mining, and shipwreck investigation.

Robotics in India

With a global market share of around 15%, India is an emerging prospective market for the industrial robotics sector. A wide range of robotics activities can be possible with appropriate stimulation and investment in the fundamental underlying technologies. The discovery of first-wave innovations that will drive early markets is critical to this. Industrial robots are a crucial component of India’s modern industrial industry. A pillar of developing Indian riches would not be achievable without the usage of robotics technology or cost-effective production. Furthermore, robot-based production enhances product quality, working environment, and resource use.

To increase production, robots are necessary everywhere. Robotic technology is widely used in the automation business. The quality of products and processes improves significantly when such technology is used. Robotic technologies are widely used in industries such as automotive, atomic energy, defense, space, metals, textiles, and manufacturing. Robots are also being employed to improve the quality of life in operating rooms and rehabilitation centers. Robots have been used in developed countries such as Japan and America to clean rooms, amuse, and so forth. Robotics has created several opportunities for both companies and students. As a result, it is a rapidly expanding profession with several new opportunities emerging in recent years. Many institutes and government science and technology agencies are funding and supporting efforts in IITs and other engineering colleges to work on robotics-related projects that would give a spark for homegrown entrepreneurs.

Most activities in industries are regarded as dull, unclean, and hazardous for humans; hence, integrating robotics and automation in these areas will increase productivity, safety, and the quality of the finished product. Human operators will subsequently be able to take on more value-added tasks in the sector. Robotics and automation have the potential to transform the industrial landscape. It claims to produce the same results as computer systems have in services and other industries. However, many emerging countries, like India, have yet to fully embrace robots and automation. Given the gap and potential, companies are fast moving toward automation and its various benefits, putting a strong emphasis on robots as an intrinsic element of their innovation centers inside the industries themselves. They are spending a lot of money on robotics design and development technology. Thinklabs, robosoftsystems, iRobot, PARI robotics, and other companies are actively pursuing robotics invention, development, and implementation initiatives.

Future Ahead

There is no doubt that robotic technologies are poised to transform the way things are done in the industries where they are being adopted. All of the entrepreneurs are bullish about the future of robotics in various industrial verticals in India. Manufacturing, pharmaceutical, packaging, and inspection will all be impacted by robotics. Robotics can also be found in the healthcare industry, especially in assistive and skill development technology. Defense and education are two additional attractive industries. Robotics has created several opportunities, yet there are also numerous problems that this area confronts in India. In India, a world-class product in the robotics business with deep specialization in server engineering, electrical, embedded programming, and mechanical engineering is required (with a focus on design, manufacturing, and materials). Anyone interested in working in the Robotics business must have a diverse set of abilities as well as a complete grasp of system control and system integration. Those who are enthusiastic about Robotics from any discipline of engineering can be a member of a team working on a specific Robotics project.

The industries best suited for the use of robotics are those with high volumes, frequent demand spikes, or are subject to regular audits/quality checks. Industries with high enough quantities to need substantial amounts of real estate are also excellent prospects for robotics. This makes automation useful for industries such as retail, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, vehicle replacement parts, and engineering equipment. However, robotics is useful in practically all industries that need the storage, assembly, and transportation of physical objects. DIY robots and UAV research platforms are urgently needed to increase the popularity of robotics in India.