Category: <span>Education</span>

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Cancer survival rates could grow exponentially if scientists succeed in developing microscopic medical weapons that destroy cancerous cells. Nanomachines may be small – 50,000 of them would fit across the…

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Haven’t most of us wished as kids for a robot that could pick up our toys, return them, and organize them so our parents wouldn’t scold us for making a…

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Before delving into the uncharted territory of Cobots, one must understand that cobots won’t replace humans. Their primary goal is to assist workers and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of…

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Humanoid robots have been picking up steam in India for some time. Although India is still catching up with developments in artificial intelligence and robotics in comparison to other countries,…

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Competitions are really fun for both kids and adults!!! Robotics competitions are no exception. These competitions gather people of all ages and backgrounds: researchers, students, and enthusiasts working in unique…

Competitions Education Innovation Robotics Technology

Competitions Education Innovation Robotics Technology