
“The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself “- Alan Kay said. The world is moving forward in the direction of creating amazingly great things with tremendous capabilities to revolutionize the way humans live on Planet Earth or beyond in the coming years as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and others are trying to make it happen. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation are some of those extremely impactful factors that have the potential to catalyze this revolutionary shift. According to research conducted by Oxford University, 47% of jobs would be automated in the next 20 years and Robots will mostly replace billions of humans working in the manufacturing sector across the globe. According to an estimation, a $1.5 Billion Market will emerge for the Consumer and Business Robots tool by the year 2022 which states that it will grow seven times faster than the rate at which the Manufacturing Robots Market is growing right now. As stated in a survey report by Deloitte, the organizations are not only using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) but also deploying “Intelligent” Automation systems to move beyond speeding up and providing decision-making powers also to Robots in place of humans. Organizations are believing in the automation process with a hope that it can transform their manufacturing and other business processes to achieve higher speed, precision, and accuracy which is important to meet the future demands as predicted by looking at the current scenario of the explosive growth of the population of the world in the next decades. With the involvement of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in every aspect of our lives, we are going to see a lot of changes around us. Here, I am bringing to you the Top 4 predictions for the future of Robotics that we might witness.

1.Drones to become ubiquitous like birds

Unmanned drones (UAV) are taking up space in various domains of industries as consumers and businesses are using them in several innovative ways. According to a report by PwC, the Global Market for business and services using Drones is valued at over $129B. Small and portable military drones are being used by forces regularly. For emergency responses such as fire fighting, handling gas leaks, lifesaving of drowning people in seas, spot crime and criminals, help in shooting and recording great views for films, delivering pizzas, monitoring and tracking animals in forests to combat climate change and deforestation, navigating oceans and ports, tracking diseased animals to prevent its spread, providing aid in quick disaster management,  helps in carrying samples from one place to another in situations like lockdowns when humans should be uninvolved and a lot of different explored and unexplored applications are there for drones in our world in agriculture, healthcare, weather forecasting, waste management, import, export, and whatnot. They are expected to be omnipresent flyers like birds in the coming years.

  • There are concerns over the safety and regulation of drones as they can be used for unethical and wrong purposes too.
  • Weaponization Incident of US where a YouTuber attached a gun to a drone and fired so there are debates over the legality of such devices.

2.Rules and Regulations to enter in Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk once publicly commented on artificial intelligence, “AI is our biggest existential threat”. Along with this, many influential figures all across the globe such as Stephen Hawking have been raising questions on the potential threat that robots might be for humanity. So, the entry of strict rules, regulations, and legislation over the use of artificial intelligence, robots including drones, and others are suspected to take place in our legal systems soon. Despite the potential of AI to advance human society and solve the world’s biggest problems like security and global warming, the threat that AI’s intelligence possesses is quite higher if unregulated.  Thus Government and industry standards are soon going to monitor and control everything about AI.

  • From the year 2009, calls for legislation for AI are there and it was started by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence(AAAI).
  • Alarming levels of freedom of Robots and AI can be the reason for the end of the human race. But the biggest question is about the regulator of this freedom of AI and Robots, won’t the regulator use these regulations for his benefit?

3.Robotics Competitions to replace other competitions

As I remember my childhood, it reminds me of those lemon and spoon races, banana races, table writing races, and little fun games that we used to participate in during our school years. But kids these days are participating in Robotics Competitions like THE WORLD ROBOTICS CHAMPIONSHIP by TECHNOXIAN in association with AICRA (All India Council for Robotics and Automation) which witnessed 22,000+ participants from 80+ countries. This indicates the rising popularity of Robotics competitions globally. In the coming years, Robotics Competitions are going to be the king of competitions because all the focus is now on developing the brain to be parallel to ongoing advancements in the world.

  • The Information Age asks for more developed and learned brains, which in turn impacts a lot on education and competitions that happen in the world to be able to produce compatible youth.
  • As predicted by various scientists through these years, our head is going to evolve to a bigger size and our bodies will become smaller affecting the head to body size ratio of humans in the future. This evolution has started with its first step from these Robotics competitions.


These were the best of my predictions for the future of Robotics that apply universally. Are you thinking in other directions and have more ideas? Do share predictions based on your thoughts and ideas in the comments below. I would like to have different perspectives aided by your knowledge and experiences. Complete my list and add your unique point of view to it. I am looking forward to reading some great stuff curated by your super brains.